Thursday 23 November 2017

PPSR | UPSR 2017

Shoutout to TEAM UPSR 2017, congrats adik-adik! 🤗

Regardless how many A's you got, you should be proud with yourself because you certainly did it well! It breaks my heart you know to saw their sad faces because they can't fulfill their parents hope to get straight A's. Some of them even saying, "I'm sorry" (with dispirited tone) after showed the result to his/her parents. Ala dik, jangan buat mata akak masuk habuk boleh tak?

"Nothing is predestined. 
The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings."
― Ralph H. Blum

UPSR is not the end. It is only a step for you to climb and this is only the beginning of your journey. Jangan sedih-sedih okay. Tapi serious ah, akak terharu tengok friendship budak-budak ni sampai ada yang menangis-nangis baik perempuan mahupun lelaki. Mungkin aimed for excellent result sebab nak masuk sekolah menengah yang sama but end up with different outcome for each of them. Akak dulu tak sempat nak emo macam ni, lepas dapat result tak pikir apa pun. Siap plan nak sambung main "rebut tiang" or as for Kelantanese we called it as "berambak tiye". Hahaha nampak tak betapa tough hati dak-dak 90's?

Anyway, for my beloved lil bro Aime, congrats with your straight A's result! Yeayyy, you did it after all of these times berperang dengan Kak Irah & Umi sebab kami selalu duk paksa baca buku when he's too "focus" with his Youtube videos. Be grateful with this rezq from Allah ye dik! Umi cakap, "Kalau Umi tengok usaha adik tu Umi tak yakin sangat tapi bersyukur sebab Allah bagi kesempatan merasa." Auchhh baru dapat result cemerlang dah kena burn dengan mak sendiri. Hahahaha.

Thanks for making Umi & Abah proud with your result. Kak Irah dari kecik sampai ke tua ni tak mampu lagi nak buat Umi & Abah bangga dengan diri ini. Target 1st Class Degree pun tak ada rezeki, kerja pun tak dapat-dapat lagi. Jodoh tak yah cakap la, sapa berkenan dengan orang macam iolls ni tambah lagi zaman sekarang ni zaman orang cantik, melaram aje. Surrender sis! Hadoiii la nasib diri nak buat acanor ha.

Eh masuk habuk pula mata ni. Dah lah bai.

"Show everybody, show is beginning.
Curtain has risen, make your own story line, 
Dream as if you will live forever, and live as if you'll die today"
 One Ok Rock's C.h.a.o.s.m.y.t.h
November 23, 2017 / by / 17 Comments


  1. teringat zaman sekolah rendah dulu.

    hi nnt jmput la join n meriahkan segmen GA Ray

    1. Itu la, tengok budak2 ni ambil result teringat lak zaman kita-kita dulu. Hehe.

      Insha Allah! Terima kasih jemput :)

    2. hhaha kannn. orite ur welcome

  2. Part friendship tu pergh. Samalah, sy pun dulu xterfikir nak emo bagai lepas dpt upsr. haha

    1. Haha budak2 sekarang gigih belajor. Kita dulu sengih2 je dapat result, janji lulus semua haha

  3. Kasihan budak2 zaman sekarang jangan dipaksa sangat straight A Tu. Yang penting diorg dah usaha

    1. Betul tu mama. Jauh lagi perjalanan budak2 ni, hadapan nanti 2 benda lagi nak kena hadapi. Huhu.

  4. UPSR won't determine the future but at least they're having a blast with the result.. kan.Tahniah for your little brother.. <3

  5. Congrats for your little brother!

    My brother and sister are taking SPM and PT3 this year and let's say that I'm afraid that they'll be discouraged if they get a not so good results. #prayformysiblings 😘 #kakakyangbaik #hahahaha

    1. Haha bagus betul akak ni. Yup, kita sebagai supporter ini memang main peranan kuat kot nanti dia orang down dengan result ("kot" la sebab minta2 dapat keputusan yang cemerlang hehe).

      I believe they will do their best and let us just pray for them! Amin ;)

  6. teringat jugak zaman Umi dulu..zaman Penilaian Darjah 5..dapat result dan tak emo..hehe. Zaman berubah tapi UPSR bukan la penanda aras untuk tunduk tapi untuk terus bangkit untuk SPM nanti..good luck pada yang berjaya dan yg kurang berjaya, teruskan usaha..sematkan dihati untuk mencapai pencapaian yg lebih baik dan terbaik

    1. Hehehe memang zaman kita-kita dulu sempoi je kot masa UPSR. Zaman sekarang ni mungkin harapan ibubapa tu sendiri terlalu tinggi. Hari tu pun sedih tengok sesetengah ibu bapa yang nampak sangat air muka kecewa dgn keputusan anak2 mereka sebab anak2 mereka ni antara yg sekolah target juga.

      Tapi nak buat macam mana kan, takde rezeki. Mungkin PT3/SPM nanti, dia orang ni lah yang lagi cemerlang sapa tahu kan :)

  7. Alhamdulillah. congratulations for straight A's.. Byak2 kenangan sejujurnya kenangan sekolah rendahlah yg paling manis sekali bagi sy. sebab masa tu tak ingat belajar pun, pergi sekolahjust nak jumpa kwn, spent time dgn dorg.. ponteng kelas sehari pun x pernah hahaha .. rindu pula zaman budak2.. thanks for sharing :)

    1. Betul, dulu2 nak ke sekolah tahunya sebab nak pi main dengan kawan je. Hahaha. Anyway, terima kasih :)
